In Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, warlocks are magic users who have forged a pact with some being far more powerful than them, in exchange for power of their own.  These powers manifest as spells and other abilities, dependent on the force they made the pact with.  More often than not, these beings are fiends or elder gods of other dimensions that have interest in manipulating events on the Material plane, and so they gladly accept the soul of those wishing to become warlocks in exchange for a little bit of magical power.  But not all of these powerful entities are malignant.  For those that are benign, spells such as Hunger of Hadar don’t necessarily make sense.  If I was some celestial being residing in the Plane of Light or some such, I wouldn’t want my warlock to be running around, tearing holes in the fabric of space and time, and letting darkness from between the stars loose on the world.

Below is an optional replacement for Hunger of Hadar.  It essentially does the same thing, though its description and damage types are different.  As a DM or player, I’d really want to switch up what my spells do, if I was a warlock of some being of Light or Goodness, so feel free to explain HOW your spells look different when you cast them.  Hellish Rebuke?  Maybe it’s Divine Rebuke, and your fiery response to being attacked is instead a beam of golden light.  You get the idea.  😉

Bounty of Jwo
3rd-level conjuration

Casting Time : 1 action
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Components : V, S, M (fleck of mica and a pinch of phosporus)
Duration : Concentration, up to 1 minute

Piercing the veil of reality, you open a window to a realm of brilliance and divinity.  A 20-ft. radius sphere of light, so bright that you cannot see through it, appears centered on a point within range and lasting for the duration.  The light emits a low hum, and music weaves softly through it.  Sounds like that of huge, flapping wings accompany the music, and can be heard up to 30 feet away.  The sphere provides bright illumination for up to 100 feet, but the sphere itself is so brilliant that any creature within it is blinded.

The sphere is literally the presence of another plane upon yours, and distortions created within make the area difficult terrain.  Any creature that begins its turn inside the sphere takes 2d6 radiant damage.  Any creature that ends its turn in the area of effect must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 force damage, as unseen energies collide with them.