It’s been a busy, tumultuous week for the world. I want to say that I hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy, and being safe!
The last week, I have been more active on my Twitch channel than any time before. The broadcasts I’ve been working on have been on my mind for awhile, but with many people doing self-quarantine, I’ve been doing my best to get some more things up and running in order to help entertain those of you interested in watching! So, let’s run through what went on this last week at the Haven.
Making Monsters, Episode 1: Sanddrift Drake
Making Monsters is a stream that I’ve been working out in my head on how to do, streaming live on Twitch while I design tabletop roleplaying game creatures. The process is one that I have talked with many times with groups, individuals, and that I have spent doing for years. I hope that people will tune in to chat, share and get ideas, and overall just enjoy. For the first episode, I designed the sanddrift drake, a lesser dragon that will appear in the upcoming Tome of Beasts 2, published by Kobold Press. I have appeared in KP’s previous two monster manuals, and it is a great honor to be included in this one as well. You can check out the recording of the stream on YouTube, and keep an eye out for announcements for future episodes. The scheduling for the show has not been solidified yet, but should be soon.
The Lore You Know, Episode 1: A (Brief) History of the Scarred Lands
Those of you who listen to Dragon Talk probably have heard the lore talks about the Forgotten Realms, as well as recent chats about the other settings being published by Wizards of the Coast. For lore junkies like me, these bits are golden, and I have been mulling over the fact that there aren’t shows out there talking about lore for third party settings that have been around for years. With my current involvement with the Scarred Lands setting, published by Onyx Path Publishing, I decided to dive into the lore of Scarn for the first episode of my own series, The Lore You Know. Sarah Stewart, who wrote the first and only (to-date) Scarred Lands novel, Vigilant, joins me as nerd out about the in depth history of this world, which first appeared in 2000 with the Creature Collection. Check out our recorded chat on YouTube, and join us on Twitch, Fridays at 2:00pm Eastern, to join in the conversation!
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Shenanigans (and some technical difficulties) ensue during Episode 5 of The Curiosity Cache. Their normal lives in upheaval, the employees of the Cache have decided to go in search of the Falchion of Darjun, a sword of a legendary gladiator that fought his final battle in the catacombs beneath the city of Shelzar. Before they can get a foot out the door, so to speak, Dhesim’s furry friends return, and they brought company as well as the information he was looking for. Containing their “company” as best as possible, the group heads off in search of the statue that was stolen from their shop, only to find more mystery waiting for them. More surprises await by the end of the episode, so check it out on YouTube or podcast, and tune in live on Twitch, Fridays at 4:30pm Eastern, to watch as our would-be heroes deal with their new, adventurous ways!
PWYW on the Slarecian Vault
And for a last bit of Scarred Lands for this post, I have put the Scarred Races option guide for DMs and players, and the Peril Primer, a creature collection for the Scarred Lands setting, on sale on the Slarecian Vault / DriveThruRPG. For the foreseeable future, both titles are Pay What You Want, in order to give access to those who are finding themselves short on money in these weird and unsettled times, yet are in need of something entertaining. Please check them out, pick them up for free, or pay whatever you can afford, and enjoy!
To wrap up, I just want to say, please be safe out there. Take care of yourself, take care of one another. As weird of a time as this is, I feel confident that we’ll see the other end of this tunnel soon. In the mean time, I hope my creations do some little bit to entertain you and fight the fearsome boredom monsters off.
Until next time, happy gaming!