On Saturday, October 31st, we’ll be streaming a live play of a Dungeons & Dragons one-shot on Twitch! The game starts at 3:00pm EDT, and is set in the campaign world that I have been developing for many years.
What is Asunder?
Asunder is the overarching title we finally decided upon that will cover the world on which we set our campaign. Under this moniker, we’ll be publishing titles tied into the world, a high fantasy setting that is reminiscent of other popular settings, yet is rich with a flavor all its own. We have been busy converting the world to the D&D 5E ruleset, and this Halloween Twitch stream will be the first time the world at large is introduced to at least a small part of it!
Asunder: A Day in the Unlife
The stream will focus on the Isle of K’thon, which lays of the eastern coast of the continent of Eramesch. Though the population of K’thon once had a healthy political and trade-based relationship with several cities on Eramesch, that all came to a sudden halt hundreds of years ago. Now, the world at large views the K’thoni as insular at best, and many believe the people of the island are xenophobic slave owners. Why else do they raid ships on the oceans around their island, the crews of those vessels being taken to K’thon and never seen again?
Yet not all is as it seems. A tragic choice in a search for power and immortality left the K’thoni populace in a state of undeath, trapped between life and the here after. What’s worse, that curse spreads like wildfire to those who come to the isle, and the K’thoni don’t even need to touch a living creature for their presence to infect it. Seeminly abandoned by the gods of the world, the people of K’thon closed their borders to the world in an effort to keep the undeath from spreading, a pandemic that the creatures trapped in the center of the island want nothing more than to happen. For you see, those creatures, once the leaders of the K’thoni, became something else, something less than their people, yet something unimaginably powerful, and they hunger for the strange energies that animate the people on the island. The K’thoni trapped those creatures long ago, yet their barriers are far from infallible, and it is a daily struggle to keep would-be enemies and plague spreaders out of the island, while keeping known enemies within the confines of the magic that keeps them at bay.
A Day in the Unlife will follow a group of K’thoni as they answer the call to keep outsiders from the island. Yet travel from the remaining cities is always dangerous, and horrid creatures that hunger for them are always waiting. And those creatures are oh-so-clever, always looking for a way to overcome the magical barriers that keep them trapped.
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As a special treat, the D&D 5E rules for playing a K’thoni will be available for free download Friday through Sunday! Keep your eye on the Twitter or Facebook pages for the link to the download, and we’ll be posting it on the Twitch stream on Saturday as well!
So we hope you will join us for some creepy, undead Halloween fun! If you come by to watch the stream, please drop us a message in the Twitch chat to say hello, and if you can’t make it to the live stream, we will have the game up on YouTube the following week. In either case, have a safe and spooky Halloween!