I am proud to announce that Wanderers Haven is taking part in the annual fundraiser, Extra Life, which supports the Children’s Hospital Network! I have taken part in Extra Life before, and am really glad to be doing so again with my fellow Twitch producers.
Our event kicks off at 12pm ET on November 4th, 2023. Tune in to twitch.tv/WanderersHaven for 12 hours of entertainment as we play games, make miniatures on Hero Forge, and chat with guest author, Michael Witwer! In addition, we have INCENTIVES set up to help (or sometimes hinder!) the players throughout the day. What’s more, you can donate to have a chance to win one of several books being given away, including the recently released Lore & Legends by Michael Witwer, the upcoming Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree, and an assortment of D&D 5E books! These include Beasts of Steel and Flesh by Monte Cook Games, Amazing Adventures 5E, the Scarred Lands Players Guide for 5E, Disaster Hamsters 2, Asian Monsters by Legendary Games, and The Demonplague by James Introcaso and Johnn Four!
Whether you join us for the Twitch stream or not, or if you missed the event, you can still donate! Head over to the team page and give what you can to help support this amazing cause. And thank you!